Healthy Living

To optimize your health post brain injury, you can include the foods listed below in your daily diet. Sometimes you just need to eat junk food though!! Try to include the foods below in your diet most of the time and allow yourself an occasional treat. The trick is to learn to love these healthy foods and get into the habit of eating them! Think of creative ways to include them in your meals. Have this handy when making a grocery list. Please consult with a nutritionist or physician before implementing any dietary changes.
Omega 3’s
Helps with heart health, reduces inflammation, lowers triglycerides, and slows plaque buildup
B Complex
Helps energy levels, brain function, cell growth/repair and helps prevent infection
Vitamin D
Helps keep bones, teeth and muscles healthy.
Good for a healthy heart and overall tissue maintenance.
Helps reduce inflammation in cells of the body
Helps with muscle and nerve function, blood sugar levels, and blood pressure.
Helps heart health, blood sugar levels, and reduces the frequency of migraines. It also helps with muscle function, skin health and acts as an antioxidant.
Healthy Foods
Nuts and Seeds
Walnuts, Pumpkin Seeds
Blueberries, Pomegranates, Oranges
Herbs and spices
Mint, Rosemary
Whole Grains
Whole wheat pasta, sweet potato, Hummus, quinoa
Spinach, Celery
Higher in cocoa the better
Coffee-Any kind you like…. locally and ethically sourced is best!
Green Tea-Sencha, etc…
Meat, Tofu, Eggs, Fish, Nuts and seeds, Peanut butter, cheese, Greek yogurt
Good Fat
Avocado, Coconut oil, Olive oil, Butter, Fish, Omega 3 supplements
Steel cut oats, Flax, Veggies, Fruits, Psyllium, Rice, Quinoa, Bran, Olives
Healthy Lifestyle Habits (please consult with a physician prior to making changes to your lifestyle such as exercise)
Teeth brushing-This has been shown to protect heart and gum health
Drinking lots of water-Flushes your system and keeps it flowing
Community-Spend time with other people as much as you can and especially those with brain injuries as they will understand you the best. This helps exercise your social skills muscles!
Relaxation-Helps stop your mind from racing and enjoy/appreciate everything moment to moment (certain problems are for future you!)
Sleep-This is the most important time for brain repair and information processing
Resilience-Building resilience helps you develop confidence that you can cope with any situations as they arise
Positivity-Being positive helps your outlook combat depression, and less likely to feel sorry for yourself
Movement-Move! Walk around the block, walk to the store, garden, clean your house, anything! Moving helps your physical and mental health-you may also want to consider doing some of these on your own or in a gym: pilates, yoga, or exercise equipment like treadmill, elliptical, exercise bike etc.
Avoid added sugar-This is not something your body ever needs. It negatively affects your health, can be habit forming, and affects the way your body metabolizes calories, or stores and uses fat.
How to shop and stock your kitchen:
Keep a well-stocked pantry and freezer to minimize trips to the grocery store.
Keep an easily accessible “living” shopping list handy to jot down shopping items as you think of them
Keep your meals simple and familiar
Eat before you go grocery shopping. Try not to shop when you are feeling hungry or thirsty.
Plan to shop when the stores are less crowded to avoid long checkout lines, noise and maneuvering a cart around other shoppers. Or avoid stores altogether by using a food delivery service offered by some grocery stores. Order online and have the food arrive at your doorstep or arrange curbside pickup.
If necessary, bring earplugs or a noise-cancelling headset to drown out noises that may be unavoidable while shopping.
Example Grocery/Menu List:
What have you done to help yourself today?
Paced myself
Spent some time outdoors
Ate heathy foods primarily
Spent less time on computer or phone/social media
Did something you really enjoyed
Had a hot shower/bath
Spent time with friends or family
Did or made something for someone else
Told someone you love them or that they are important to you
Additional Information
Terry L. McArthur MS, RDN, CPTRegistered Dietitian Nutritionist & Certified Personal Trainer